Advanced guides

Run Code before or after update

it's easy to run function before or after update, you just need to create a pipeline class and add it to the config file:

// run after update?
'before_update_pipelines' => [
    // you can add your own pipelines here

// run after update?
'after_update_pipelines' => [
    // you can add your own pipelines here

Example of pipeline class:

namespace App\Pipelines;

use Closure;
use Salahhusa9\Updater\Contracts\Pipeline;

class MyPipeline implements Pipeline
    public function handle($payload, Closure $next)
        // do something


Must be implement Salahhusa9\Updater\Contracts\Pipeline interface, and payload is array of data:

    'current_version' => 'v1.0.0',
    'new_version' => 'v1.0.1',
    'output' => // callback function to output data,

Output function is callback function to output data to console:

public function handle($payload, Closure $next)
    $payload['output']('hello world');
    // or
    if (is_callable($content['output'])) {
        call_user_func($content['output'], 'hello world');

    // do something


Don't do it

Please don't run in pipeline class this commands:

  • composer install
  • composer update

generally don't run any command that link to composer.

you can see how it's work in section of pipelines.
